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Find Your Place

Whether your new in town, just starting a family, looking to network, want to spend your time making our community even better, passionate about Jewish advocacy or want to travel with a group of like-minded individuals there's a group of people that are waiting to welcome you! Explore the many ways to connect below.

We offer a variety of professional and social groups to help you connect with other people in the Jewish community.

Shalom Y'All! Welcome to Richmond!

Get Involved! Make a Difference.

The Jewish Community Relations Committee is the is the central public affairs arm of the organized Jewish community. The JCRC handles government affairs and represents the Jewish community on many critical issues.

Learn about our Mission Trips and Birthright Israel trips.

Our work in Israel and Overseas, builds local community connection to Israel, funds and helps implement overseas designated projects, and participates in the collective support for world Jewry.