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ISRAEL ACTION ALERT: Urge Congress to Stand with Israel!

Urge Members of Congress to
Take Action TODAY!
Israel needs our Help
Congress Needs to Hear from You Now!
In light of the rocket attacks and violent clashes in Israel, along with the tragic loss of life, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond and our national partners are issuing an urgent ACTION ALERT to communicate our support for Israel to our Members of Congress.
Now is the time to publicly stand with Israel and support its right to defend itself.
Our local Members of Congress need to hear from all of us. It will only take a minute and we know grassroots advocacy makes a difference. Please free to share with any and all of your friends, families, and within your communities.  
Israel Action Network (IAN) has also added a collection of resources to their website on the situation in Israel. These resources can be especially helpful to explain this escalation to students, who will need facts and talking points to advocate for Israel when others use current events in an attempt to delegitimize and demonize Israel. 

Click HERE to view IAN’s resources on what is taking place in Israel right now.
Click HERE to access JCFR resources, webinars, and community updates.
Israel Emergency Campaign
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), through our partners,
the Jewish Agency for Israel, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), and the Israel Trauma Coalition, are already on the ground in Israel aiding those impacted by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist rocket attacks.
Our Federation is joining communities all over the country in a national effort to support that work and provide critical support to those in Israel who are the most vulnerable and the most at risk.
Please consider donating to the
Jewish Community Federation of Richmond Israel Emergency Campaign. 
100% of every dollar raised will be used to support our family in Israel.