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JCRC Solidarity with Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

The JCRC of the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond stands in solidarity with our local Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities and wishes to amplify the message of our partner JCRC in Atlanta.


"As members of Atlanta’s Jewish community, we stand in solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities against hate. We mourn for the loss of life and our thoughts are with the victims and their families. As Jewish tradition teaches , 'Don’t stand by idly while your neighbor bleeds' (Lev. 19:16). We have an obligation to lift up our voices when faced with hatred and discrimination.


While the motivation has not been fully established, Tuesday’s killings in the Atlanta metro area follow a disturbing pattern of increasing violence and hatred directed at Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. We condemn this violence and hatred, and we stand ready to support our AAPI neighbors and fellow Jews who are members of the AAPI community however we are needed."


Please click HERE for additional resources from Stand Against Hatred.