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JCRC Statement Condemning Rep. Omar's anti-Semetic Tropes

The Jewish Community Relations Committee (JCRC) of the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond has long been focused on fighting the scourge of Anti-Semitism.

We join our colleagues in Minnesota, Jewish organizations and communities across the country in condemning in the strongest possible way Rep. Ilhan Omar’s continued use of pernicious and offensive anti-Semitic stereotypes and tropes. They are an outrage and cannot be allowed to stand unopposed.

As stated by Jonathan Greenblatt, our partner and the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, “[A]t the end of the day, words matter. When prominent people or members of Congress spout anti-Semitic rhetoric, it gives a green light to others to repeat that rhetoric."

The JCRC and our Federation are supportive of a robust conversation about Israel’s policies and other topics of national and international importance. However, our conversations must be held to the highest standards of respect and cannot degrade into the use of age-old stereotypes about minority communities.

The JCFR continues to work year-round with our locally elected officials to educate and inform them about the issues of importance to the Jewish community.