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JCRC Statements, Comments, and Articles

JCFR & JCRC Statement on U.S. Abstention at U.N.

The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond (JCFR) and its Jewish Community Relations Committee (JCRC) condemn the failure of the United States to veto Friday’s anti-Israel United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334.

We are deeply disappointed the U.S. failed to veto the one-sided r…

JCFR/JCRC Condemn Continuing Atrocities in Syria and Call for Help

The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond (JCFR) and its Jewish Community Relations Committee (JCRC) join the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) in strongly condemning the atrocities currently underway in Syria, including the most recent executions of innocent civilians in Aleppo.


JCRC Column: Dispelling darkness with light

The Talmudic rabbis discussed the power of a single candle. In a dark space, a single light makes an enormous difference. In a dark room a single small flame provides for sight. And when a candle shares its power – its flame – with another candle, light is amplified; the first candle is no…

Public Statement: In the Face of Increased Hatred, Now is the Time to Unify

The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond (JCFR) and its Jewish Community Relations Committee (JCRC), congratulate all the candidates elected to local, state, and national office. We look forward to working with returning and newly elected representatives in Virginia during the upcoming 20…

JCRC Column: Lincoln, Unity and Community

BY: Daniel “Doni” Fogel

In 1858, an Illinois lawyer and candidate for the U.S. Senate, Abraham Lincoln, referenced the Christian Gospel in a political debate series. He said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” He was referring to the split-stance of the nation and he was…