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JCRC Statements, Comments, and Articles

Teaching Israel to Teens Today

Want a local, Jewish teen to experience Israel, develop deep friendships and participate in an amazing Tikun Olam experience? The JCFR’s Tikun Olam Summer Exchange is for you!

Our Partnership2Gether (P2G) Tikun Olam Summer Exchange Trip is a once in a lifetime experience. Every summer, Ri…

Neo-Nazi Flyers Distributed in Charlottesville, VA


Last Saturday, 12/30/2017, neo-Nazi flyers were distributed in central Charlottesville, VA.

The flyers, (pictured) depicted the Nazi Eagle, a man flashing the Hitler Salute, and the white supremacist version of the Celtic Cross. Each of these symbols is anti-Semitic. The flyer reads…

Remarks about Anti-Semitism

Remarks about Anti-Semitism

by Daniel “Doni” Fogel, Director of Jewish Community Relations

JCFR’s JCRC Annual Legislative Reception, Wed. 11/29/2017


Good evening.

I wish I could present good news regarding a decrease in anti-Semitism and bigotry; I cannot. In the past year, we …

Zionism Month Celebration

This November was bookended by two significant anniversaries in Zionist history.

November 2nd marked the centennial of the Balfour Declaration. Issued by the British government in 1917, that declaration was the first time in modern history a nation publicly endorsed the establishment of a n…

Hyperbole is rarely helpful in community building

The work of every Jewish Community Relations Committee varies from community to community. But in most communities, there are some key consistencies regarding the role of the JCRC.

Rabbi Doug Kahn, the former executive director of the JCRC of San Francisco (and the dean of JCRC professional…