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JCRC Statements, Comments, and Articles

Searching for Answers, Working for Justice

Searching for Answers, Working for Justice
(printed in the July 2020 Issue of “The Reflector”)


The unconscionable death of George Floyd in late May, and the subsequent protests over a deep and systemic racism in America have shaken our society like few events in recent memory.

We …

Statement on the Death of Mr. George Floyd and Institutional Racism

June 2, 2020

The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond expresses our grief over the senseless death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers.  We stand with the Black community and all communities of color in mourning the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and cou…

Support to Our Friends in the Chinese American & Chinese Communities

A Letter of Support to Our Friends in the Chinese American and Chinese Communities

February 25, 2020

Dear Friends,

We are writing to express our heartfelt solidarity with you during these tense and troubling times.

We are concerned about rising xenophobia aimed at Chinese people in this…

On International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today, as we join communities around the globe in remembering the horrors of the Holocaust, we also recall the strength and resilience of our people. We honor the memory of those lost, and the strength of the 80,000 survivors living in the United States, by redoubling our commitment to creat…

Backgrounder: Executive Order on “Combating anti-Semitism”

Executive Order on “Combating anti-Semitism”

Following the decision of U.S. President Donald Trump to sign an executive order regarding anti-Semitism, we would like to provide the following background information and provide links to JFNA and ADL statements on the matter.…