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JCRC Statements, Comments, and Articles

Visions of Jewish Advocacy

Visions of Jewish Advocacy

(Published in the September 2020 Issue of “The Reflector”)

As the High Holidays approach, we embrace a time of year that is about seeing things for what they are and identifying paths for making things better.  It is a time when we use that reality check to …

Joint Statement: Racist Tagging at Richmond Area Black & Jewish Cemeteries

A Joint Statement on Racist Tagging at Richmond Area Black and Jewish Cemeteries

Four Richmond area cemeteries were recently the target of racist vandalism. Gravestones and entrances were spray-painted using the Neo-Nazi symbol 777 at Historic Evergreen and East End Cemeteries, where the g…

Antisemitism and Violent Hatred on Facebook “Needs To Stop”

The Jewish Appeal to Facebook on Charlottesville Anniversary

Over 90 national, state and local Jewish organizations representing the Jewish community relations network are appealing to Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook to take action to stem the growth of antisemitism, racism, violent hatred and…

In Response to Vandalism at Richmond Historical Cemeteries

In Response to Vandalism at Richmond Historical Cemeteries

Earlier this week, four historic cemeteries were vandalized. Evergreen Cemetery, which contains the defaced gravesite of trailblazer Maggie Walker, East End Cemetery, Barton Heights Cemetery, and Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish Cemetery…

Multiple Dimensions of Justice

Multiple Dimensions of Justice
(Published in the in August 2020 Issue of “The Reflector”)

Being an alumnus of Brandeis University, there are a number of things that have always impressed me about the school.  First, it’s founding in 1948 was the Jewish community’s response to the a…