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JCRC Statements, Comments, and Articles

Overcoming Polarization in the Aftermath of the Election

Published in the November Issue of the Reflector
Amy Melnick-Scharf, JCRC Chair

Rabbi Yitzhak taught that "A ruler is not to be appointed unless the community is first consulted" (Babylonian Talmud Berachot 55a)

Voting is an expression of being Jewish

When I think about democracy, I see …

A Jewish Statement on Elections and Democratic Principles

The bedrock of American liberty is a strong, thriving democracy and an engaged citizenry. The COVID-19 pandemic has altered almost every aspect of the way we live, including how we vote in elections. It’s a longstanding tradition that nonpartisan groups across the spectrum do their part by…

Normalization and the Abraham Accords

The True Meaning of Normalization: 
Reflections on the Abraham Accords 
(October 2020 Issue of “The Reflector”)

This past month, the Jewish community of Richmond joined with Jewish communities around the globe in celebrating the historic peace agreements signed at the White House betw…

JCFR Celebrates Peace Agreements between Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain

The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond Celebrates the US Brokered Peace Agreements Between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain

September 16, 2020

The Jewish Community of Richmond joins with Jewish communities around the globe in celebrating the historic peace agreements si…